29 August 2007

The Salute

I have always been a bit uncomfortable when asked to stand up and singled out at a major show or sporting event to honor those who are or have been in the service (but I always stand up). Not that I’m not proud of what I do – but because standing up brings too much attention directly to me, when the true honor is to those who over the hundreds of years have give there life before I was even born. We have something very special, but it did not come easy, nor by those content to just complain and take no real action.

I did not know this, but a US bill (S.1877) clarifying U.S. law to allow veterans and servicemen not in uniform to salute the flag has been passed. The old law (US Code Title 4, Chapter 1) stated that veterans and servicemen not in uniform should place their hand over their heart without clarifying whether they can or should salute the flag.

From U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK): "The salute is a form of honor and respect, representing pride in one's military service, veterans and service members continue representing the military services even when not in uniform. I look forward to seeing those who have served saluting proudly at baseball games, parades, and formal events. I believe this is an appropriate way to honor and recognize the 25 million veterans in the United States who have served in the military and remain as role models to others citizens. Those who are currently serving or have served in the military have earned this right, and their recognition will be an inspiration to others."

I could of not said it better myself.

1 comment:

Emily said...

That is wonderful news! I have to fight the urge to salute our flag at events, and feel that I am disgracing it by merely placing my hand over my heart. I feel this way because the military has taught me the meaning of the salute, and I present my salutes with full reverence and meaning. I don't know about you, but the National Anthem still gives me goose bumps...