This is truly "God's Country" - I can stand in the dusty footprints of all the Greats of the Bible and see the world close to how they would have seen it. Many of the stories of the Bible repeat themselves over and over here in Iraq - it is not the Muslim faithful that cause the issues, but the Judiths that use the scripture to their own advantage for power, prestige and/or money. This place is worth saving, the common person here is true to the belief of goodness common to both of our religions.
But this goes well beyond giving freedom and security to Iraq… We are in a war- it would not matter if we were not in Iraq now, we would still be at war. We were not fighting in the Middle East when attacked on 9/11 or the many attacks before that… This war is also sponsored countries, not just a few rouge groups, with the goal to rid the world of “western” influence. Why is it that the same people who ask what did we do to prevent 9/11 are the same people who ask why are we in Iraq?
Progress is being made here – but the propaganda of the enemy is winning thanks to our own media echoing the messages. And public opinion has taken a negative tipping point directly because of this.
I am proud of what is being done here... history, not current public opinion, will be the true measure of success. I would hate to see what failure could bring us.